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   I have reserved and guaranteed the
rooms in a block, so please let me know if
you would like one. Please indicate if you
want 2 double beds or a king, smoking or
non. I will need to provide the hotel with a
rooming list of those requiring rooms by
July 30. All extra rooms will be dropped
as of that date.
   All rooms may be canceled up to 3 days
before the date of the reservation. I have
guaranteed all rooms for late arrival unless
you tell me otherwise. When you check in,
the front desk will change your
reservations to your name and remove the
guarantee from my credit card.
    As in the past, we will gather at 7:30 in
the Days Inn lobby and go out to eat as a
group. Anyone that lives in the Anderson
area is especially invited to join us on
Friday night.
    On Friday night after dinner, those at the
Days Inn usually gather in someone's room
or the lobby of the hotel to visit and share
    For those who stay in Anderson over
Saturday night, no meal arrangements are
planned. Many of us do join together to
eat but make our plans at the last minute.
There is an outdoor pool at the hotel.
If anyone needs maps or more
information, don't hesitate to let me know.

Reunion Activities
  After introductions and a business
meeting information was provided on each
of Old Henry's children, a very short
personal note about each. For 1999. a
suggestion is being incorporated for
sharing from some of those attending.
There's been one volunteer, Algera
Looper, and we'd like three more folks to
volunteer to give a short (10-15 minutes)
verbal presentation about one of their
relatives. We hope to have info from
several different branches of the family so
that we can know more about our relatives
who are no longer with us in person.

   An example from1998. "Breezy" Breazeale
from College Station, TX shared with us
information about his ancestor William
Griffin who when to Texas after the Civil
War and took title to a tract of about 40
acres of land near Porter Springs, TX.
That tract was added to, and is still owned,
by descendants of William Griffin, son of
Griffin, son of Kenon. "Breezy" spoke of a.
tree that grows on the property that is of
very hardwood, so hard that the pioneers
made wagon hubs from the wood.He had a
sample of some of the polished wood to
show us.
   This informational time can be about one
of your ancestors that you actually knew
and something about them that makes them
unique or different. As I said earlier, we'd
like to use about 4 to 5 folks and I'd like to
have volunteers. Please call me. If I don't
get volunteers, I may call you and ask you
to participate.
   Jerry & Ruth Breazeale again videoed
the 1998 reunion. This is the second year
they have done this for the family. For
those of you who haven't been able to
attend past reunions, Jerry can provide you
with copy of the l997 or l998
get-together and I believe the cost is about
$15.00. You should check with him to
confirm that cost. His address is: H. Jerry
Breazeale. 180 Roberts Circle, Creer, SC
29650. We're lucky to have Jerry and
Ruth provide this service for us and
they're very much appreciated !
   After the reunion last year, Sherry
Outlaw told me that her family has a lake
house in the area and wouId be happy to
have folks from out of town get together
there sometime while they were in the area,
possibly on Friday night or Saturday night.
Of course, folks who live in the area would
be welcome, also. We are always looking
for ways to expand our reunion activities
and provide a pleasant time for everyone.
Many folks travel a great distance, and like

April 28. 1999