When: June 6,1999 Always 1st weekend in June
Where: KoshKonong, Missouri (Senior Citizens Building)
Contact: Tim Brazeal 423-380-0838 for more informationEmail Tim
Elsie Brown and two of her Brothers started this Reunion in Koshkonong, Missouri it has been going for years now and is going strong. I have only been one time to this one 2 years ago now. After Jane and I decided that we were going to it I started to worry about it a lot. How do I act around people that I don't even know or have never even met I contacted Elsie and we talked on the phone for a long time about family. She knew my Father who has been dead since 1972 and my Grandparents, My Uncles, I felt like I knew Elsie all my life. She is just that kind of a person. I spoke with her on the phone today for about 30 minutes and asked her permission to put the reunion on the site. She seemed thrilled about the idea that some of the younger generations are showing an interest in keeping it all going.
There were around 125 people that showed up the year that I went. A lot of the people knew one another and like myself their were a lot that knew no one. That did not matter once you opened your car door to get out. People were really friendly coming up and asking what branch of the family I was from. You felt like you knew everybody there, and before it is all finished you do. So this web site and a lot of the info is Dedicated to ELSIE BROWN who without her it would have been impossible for me to do. Elsie you are thought of often and Loved even more......
Things to bring with you.
OLD FAMILY PHOTOS ( one picture that you have might not be much to you, but could be a treasure to someone else)
LETTERS from older family members passed down.
FAMILY BIBLES If your Family kept records in them
NOTES That were passed downAnd to all of the people working on your trees. Please bring all of your info so we can make copies and exchange info.
Audrey Daniels informed me that she would have a copy machine there.
I hope that we will see you all there.
Breazeale Family Reunion
Anderson, South Carolina
When: August 14,1999
Where: Dorchestor Baptist Church
State: Anderson South CarolinaI spoke with Janice earlier tonight about adding the reunion to this site, just to make sure it was ok to have people contact her about the reunion. She seemed excited about it. Janice started this Family Reunion around 10 years ago and it is still running strong. She told me that the majority of the people that attend are Descendants from Kennon Breazeale, but anyone related is always welcome threre. Janice also publishes a Breazeale news letter, you may want to ask her about it as well. She has told me some really interesting things about our Ancestors from S.C.
Janice told me that a lot of the people come a day early and some stay a day late just to visit. You may want to make plans for it. Janice is also the well known lady that has taken over Lois Plotts work she began on "Breazeale Kin" she said that she will be retiring in the next year or so and plans on pursuing the book. after speaking to Janice about genealogy you begin to realize that she is a very knowledgeable Lady. (keep up the great work Janice) !!
As always remember to bring all the regular Pictures, Documents, Letters and notes and whatever else you can dig up.
I plan on attending this year.I will add more to this as Janice lets me know motels, places to eat and things to do. So please check back with me.
When June 26,1999:
Where Holiday Park
State: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Helen Breazeal and her daughter Charlene Sangrey are "Breazeale Kinfolk" users and are having there reunion in
Cheyenne, Wyoming this year. I do not have information on all the paticulars so you would need to either
e-mail Helen Breazealeor her daughter Charlene Sangrey to find out more info. I will try to find out about attendance,
places to stay and such. Helen tells me that her daughter is really interested in finding out more about the Breazeale lineso please try to make arraigments to attend if you are in the area.
Breazeale Reunion
Creston, Iowa
When: September 5,1999
Where: RainBow Park, Creston Iowa
(This reunion was sent in by Betty Brazeal Buckner from a newspaper clipping)The Breazeale Family reunion was held in Creston,Iowa at the Rainbow Park September 6, 1998
The descendants of Leona (Breazeale) Wick, and Walter Perrigo, Roy and Clara (Breazeale)Wick,
and Robert and Martha (Breazeale) Wick. Martha being the only one still living at the age of 91.
Martha being the youngest of three sisters. Martha lives close to her daughter Betty Osgood in South Carolina.
They were unable to attend as they were here visiting Martha's daughter, Marcia and her husband Gerald
and her daughter Tammy and son Tim of Des Moines,Iowa on July 18,19 and 20. They were missed by all.Those attending reunion on Leona's side are grandchildren, great and greatest. Dutch and Penni Nauman, Creston,IA, Rick Nauman, Creston,IA, Bud Cronk, Des Moines,IA, Ronnie Nauman and friend Joann,Des
Moines,IA, Rhonda Nauman, Creston,IA, Darin Nauman with wife Jo,Talana, Ashley,Jacob, and Bradley,
Prole,IA, Deanna and Gerry GKons, West Des Moines,IA, Renee Nauman, Indianola,IA., Craig Nauman,
Creston,IA., Tonya Nauman, Creston,IA., Laurie Picken and sons Brett and Micheal, Atlantic,IA., Janet Wick,
Creston,IA, John Fletcher (friend of Janet Wick), Dorothy and Richard Wick, Council Bluffs,IA., Barb and Jim
Hunter and children, Dave, Mark, Zack, Shane, Angela, Krista Hunter, Council Bluffs,IA.,A special thanks goes to Dorothy Wick for planning the reunion and to Penni Nauman for reserving the shelter
house. Time was spent visiting and enjoying a wonderful Pot Luck dinner by all taking pictures and listening to Gerald and Loyd Wicks Jokes.[home]